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Alliance For OpenUSD: Open Standards For 3D Content
A Future of 3D Interoperability With OpenUSD | The Alliance for OpenUSD (AOUSD)
Alliance for OpenUSD: Advancing 3D Standards
OpenUSD Alliance: Revolutionizing 3D Standards
OpenUSD Is Unifying 3D Tools & Here’s How.
AOUSD Core Specification Working Group Updates | Pixar Open Source BoF | The Alliance for OpenUSD
OpenUSD Q&A With Pixar’s Steve May | The Alliance for OpenUSD (AOUSD)
Pixar, Adobe, Apple, Autodesk, and NVIDIA form Alliance for OpenUSD to drive open standards for 3D c
Universal Scene Description (#OpenUSD) is revolutionizing data modeling and interchange. #3d
What is Open USD Framework? #animation #usd #simulation #3danimation
Alliance for OpenUSD (AOUSD) Debrief by Guy Martin
The Most Valuable File Format You've Never Heard Of